2012-01-15 2:11
I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called silence. When One goes intosilence, it is an act of Love for Self for it is within One’s inner workings,within One’s heart, that the true authentic Self is found. Bypracticing silence periodically, a connection to the Divine within you isestablished and a greater flow of guidance and direction flows to you. In silence then, away from worldly distractions, is found the truths that sustainand nourish and feed One’s Soul and Spirit.
Practicingsilence within opens up different perceptions and perspectives that mightotherwise never have come to light. It is in silence that One comes to knowOneself with clarity and truth, once all the outer noise of One’s dailythoughts and to do lists are quieted. In this sacred space is found greatermeaning and purpose to One’s life, a communion with higher aspects of Oneselfthat uplift, inspire and empower One’s Being. It is in times of inner silencethat many great ideas and works are born and brought into manifestation to beshared with others.
When Onesits in silence, the energy that permeates your energy field or aura is filledwith particles of golden Light, for a connection with the Divine within you hasbeen established and a feeling of bliss may come upon you. In silence manytreasures from within you are found. In silence a flow of Divine creativitytakes place and begins to blossom into manifestation. In silence many profoundand empowering thoughts and remembrance’s of One’s own Divine nature come to thesurface of awareness and a greater confidence in One’s abilities venturesforth.
In One’sinteractions with others, it is many times an act of Love to maintain silencewhen the speaking of words would wound or hurt another. Silence can bring unityand healing in relationships with others. Silence can bring greater clarity andawareness in any situation that does not feel comfortable. The act of silencereinforces One’s inner knowing and intuitive promptings. There is a vastrichness to be tapped into when One practices this quality of Love. Innersilence is a time to nurture and give Love to yourself for it is only when youcan Love yourself that you can then truly Love another.
Insilence, One becomes an observer of the flow of life all around you and opensthe door to different dimensions of consciousness that reveal many wonders andmiracles. The portals of imagination open wide and joyful and playful journeysto other realms can take place. Silence is filled with poignant and endlesspossibilities as One traverses the rays of Light with the Angels. Silencebrings a deep appreciation of beauty in all its wondrous forms.
Silence isa profound gift of Love to Oneself that fills you with a sense of peace,balance, equilibrium and a sense of the rightness of your place in the world.Upon the wings of silence, I leave you now to ponder on my words.
I AMArchangel Gabriel