The illusion is cropping up all around many of you inyour
times of great distress, and the illusory constraints that you have placedover
yourselves for so long are making their final stands while attempting
toconvince you that you do not possess or hold the higher dimensional
abilitiesthat are prevalent in the spirit complexes of each and every soul
incarnate onEarth at this time.
It is important now for us to stress the importance
ofyour making an effort to feel only feelings of the highest and
purestexpressions of the Joy and Love that you are growing toward each and
everymoment of your experience.
Indeed, one cannot find the energies of Love while
theyare themselves stressed and continually letting in and feeding the
lowerenergies of illusory limitation that are again, making their final stands.
Wewatch over you in your daily efforts and endeavors, and we wish dearly that
youbeautiful souls of Earth could realize the assistance you are being given
fromacross the veil.
You are being pushed to choose the energies of Love
overthe energies that you have grown used to and that are consistently
reproducedin your spirit complexes upon your feeling of such things. The
importance ofyou doing so has never been stronger than it is now, as the
realized power thatyou hold within yourselves is growing exponentially in
purity every day andindeed, every moment of your existence.
The power that you hold within is now beginning toexpress
itself in marvelous ways and in ways that will be getting yourattention. Have
you been feeling the numerous shifts from numerous states ofconsciousness that
you have been undergoing throughout your days?
These shifts are constantly and continually occurring,and
the reason you are feeling such shifts in easier ways now is because youare
coming back to the remembrance of your Divine selves, and this is happeningin
accordance with the growth that humanity as a collective is undergoing
alongwith the ascending surface of dear Gaia.
We can feel your depleted energy levels and
yourunwillingness to perform many daily duties and responsibilities, but just
knowdear souls that upon our arrival and upon the more noticeable changes to yourbodies
and spirits in your ascension processes, you will feel nothing butunlimited
energy and you will be doing so very many things to assist inbringing the new
surface Earth to full form.
Yes, we know that you are tired now but we implore you
tokeep on in your daily efforts for you are all deciding what manifests on
thesurface of Earth through the emotions you choose to let come through you
andthrough the decisions you make in each and every moment.
You are all going to be needed quite crucially in
theimmediate period ahead, as again there is so very much work to be done and
thiswork will start with the informing of humanity of the existence of the
Illuminatiand all that they have done to you over the centuries.
Of course you have heard that this is going to happen
sovery many times and many of you feel that you are used to such predictions
andwill be able to handle the resulting revelations when they do come to the
fore,but dear souls we wish you to know that indeed, even those of you who are
mostready for these revelations to occur will be quite surprised and at times
veryoverwhelmed with all of the information you are being given.
Even the longest channelings which contain
muchinformation about what has be done to your world as well as about the
ascensionprocess you are undergoing, will not have even come close to
scratching thesurface in relation to all that you will be let know.
The immediate period ahead will indeed be busy
anddemanding, but you will be provided with all of the energy you will need
andthen some when the most potent work on Earth begins to be performed to heal
Hernot by us, buy by you.
Upon the disclosure announcements and after theadjustment
period that humanity will be given, you will of course see thedecreed arrival
of our starships and motherships as well as the arrival of manyAscended Masters
on the beams of Light that they so enjoy traveling throughoutCreation on.
The beams of Light that we speak of are higherdimensional
etheric energies that surpass the purity of energies expressed andmanifested in
the third and fourth dimensions. This is how your AscendedMasters and etheric
Guides prefer to travel, as they have evolutionarilysurpassed the need or even
the want to travel in and inhabit our starships andmotherships.
This of course does not mean that they still do
notaccompany us on our starship and motherships, as indeed they do for there
aremany meetings that take place on a moment-to-moment basis in relation to
eventsoccurring on Earth, on other planets and in other Galaxies.
You will see our motherships and starships in their
fullbeauty, and upon the adjustment that humanity must undergo after witnessing
usin the physical so to speak, we will begin the touring and showing off of
ourcraft as well as many other higher dimensional technologies that until now
youhave only heard of and [such technologies] have been assumed to be figments
ofthe imagination of your science-fiction genre.
To those who are ready, when the time is right after
ourofficial arrival we will begin training you as to how to use and cooperate
withour craft and with the craft that will become readily available to the
majorityof humanity.
We anticipate many souls being quite excited about
tryingout our craft and flying around in the beautiful sky of Gaia, and
yourconsciousness levels will have increased substantially in purity by that
timeto ensure that you will be able to handle flying in our craft and
indeed,taking in our ascended forms in our full purity and in our full
Your consciousness levels are currently quite
densecompared to the purity of consciousness you will be experiencing upon
thearrival of us as well as the arrival of the many synchronistic dates along
yourCosmic Calendar that have yet to be reached but that will see glorious
leapsand bounds in the individual and collective consciousness of humanity once
suchdates are reached and passed.
We can feel that your concept of time is indeed
fadingever-efficiently, and this is because your bodies and souls are vibrating
at aquicker and looser pace that sees the reality which you move around in
alsobegin to vibrate at such faster paces.
It must be understood how you actually navigate
throughyour reality and how you actually navigate through your concept of time
for itto be understood exactly how your reality is speeding up in accordance
withyour ascension processes.
Of course, such things will be explained to you in
waysthat are so very clear and easy to understand on your part, and again
theconsciousness and intelligence levels of so many of you will have
increasedsubstantially by the times we speak of and this will see you better
able toabsorb the many truths and wonders that we have to share with you.
Again, we know that your journeys on Earth have
beendifficult and we can feel in our own ways the densities that you are
feelingeven right now, and we wish you to know that despite what you are
goingthrough, you are being lead to a wondrous future and the manifestation of
thisfuture is in progress at this very moment.
You are all extremely crucial in the manifestation ofthis
future, which is why we make so very many pleas for you to let only pureand
wonderful-feeling energies and emotions through yourselves, as feelinglower
emotions will serve to block your chakras and halt the energies comingthrough them,
while attempting to close up your chakras with the negativeenergies that you
would be feeling.
To feel only pure and happy energies is not to deny
anyaspect of your Creation, as you have experienced pain and hardships and
lowervibrations and emotions continually whilst Living and existing on Earth.
Thelower vibrations have been the ‘name of the game’ for almost every Life
youhave all Lived on Gaia’s surface, and we are now asking you to turn away
fromsuch emotions and feelings while transmuting them and forgiving those parts
ofyourselves who exist and are comfortable with such emotions.
Doing so will open up your chakras exponentially, andwill
see you better able to manifest the future that we know you are so veryexcited
to take part in.
We ask you all now, in this beautiful and wondrous timeto
be incarnate on dear Gaia, to make efforts in yourselves to feel theascended
souls and aspects of dear Gaia that are coming online so to speak andbeginning
to bloom beautifully on Gaia’s surface.
The souls whom you know as plants are at their
surfaceexperiencing the first and second dimensions and we understand that that
mayseem to you to be a very dense experience for such souls but believe us,
[theplants] are higher dimensional and they are bringing through higher
dimensionalaspects of themselves to be expressed on Gaia’s surface at this time
inaccordance with the pure energies gracing Her surface and your bodies
These souls are manifesting themselves through the
firstand second dimensional experiences and forms of plants, but they are
themselvesquite higher dimensional in nature and are using the pure and higher
energiesthey have incarnated on your world as plants with, to aide in the
opening up ofvarious ‘hot spots’ of the energy gates that are established all
throughoutGaia’s skies and atmosphere.
When we say the term ‘hot spot’ we do not mean it in
theway that you have been accustomed to labeling such a phrase. By this we
meanthat such ‘hot spots’ are areas of the various energy gates established
inGaia’s skies who are experiencing a rapid yet careful opening and expanding
ofthemselves to bring through pure energies, the proportions of which have
notbeen experienced in some cases before the times of Atlantis and Lemuria.
The energies coming through such spots in the energygates
are acting in accordance with the various higher dimensional souls whoare
incarnate on your world as plants, animals and humans, to manifest onGaia’s
surface [and with Her Light Grid] the very pure energies that have beencoming
to your world from realms beyond the current perception of humanity.
Did you think that humans would be the only form that
weascended souls would take on your world to assist in Her ascension? We
wouldnot pass up such bountiful opportunities to incarnate on your world and
assistin your ascension as various different types and forms of the
wonderfulCreation incarnate on Her surface.
Your Earth has hosted so very many different and uniquetypes
and races of Life forms, and the separation that is played upon in yourhuman
culture is a result of the playing upon of your perceived outerdifferences,
even though within you are all the beautiful energy of Source, ofour Creator
simply incarnate in a different and more dense form.
你們的地球居住著如此多不同的,獨特的生命形式。你們人類文化中所經歷的分離是你們不斷強調自己和外界的不同所導致的 - 雖然在你們的內心深處,你們都是美麗的來自造物主源的能量。我們都是造物主的一部分,你們只不過以不同的形式降生在更加稠密的形式中的造物主。
Many assume that the most important deciding-events
onyour world that will tell when you are finally freed as a collective are
thoseof what is happening to the Illuminati in relation to the complete
breakdown oftheir empire and exposure of all that they have done to you which
is inprogress currently. This is in fact not so, as while such events are veryimportant
in your collective freedom, they themselves are not thedeciding-events that
choose what manifests on your world and how your freedomis attained.
No dear souls, as has been expressed endlessly,
thechoices made by each and every one of you and the underlying
foundationalenergies of each and every emotion you feel and each and every
Creation youbring through yourselves are the ultimate deciding factors in your
The dark souls on your world have always been
simplehollow expressions of the collective darkness and density that you
havemanifested within yourselves to be Created on Earth, which is why it
makessense that as so many of you awaken and so many ascended souls incarnate
onEarth to bring through energies of assistance in Gaia’s ascension, the
negativeenergies which have been manifested and fed and which manifested
theincarnation of the Illuminati will naturally begin to wash away and
As this happens, naturally they [the Illuminati]
areexposed and ‘taken down’ so to speak and while we will continue to give
youupdates in that avenue, we must place focus and importance on the etheric
andhigher dimensional energies which are bringing these souls’ exposure forth
tosee that your collective freedom is attained in ’time’ for the most rapid
andintense phases of your collective and individual ascension processes.
This is why you are given guidance on what you can do
inyour own Lives to help manifest the Lighted energies that aide terrifically insuch
exposures and transmutations of the dark, because if one is keptcontinually
worrying about events in the physical, they miss out completely onthe higher
dimensional aspects of such physical events that are manifesting theevents to
bring about a wondrous freedom and resulting ascension for all ofhumanity.
This is your ascension and your exposure of thecollective
darkness that you have manifested, and while we again do assist insuch
endeavors and give you updates as we are able to operate from and fathom
ahigher perspective that sees us know about such events, you are the
beautifulAngels who are bringing this exposure about.
It is only fair that you have a level playing field
inwhich to Live out your experiences without being forced out of your Lives on
amassive scale, which is why we are here assisting in the exposure of the
darkwhile making sure that they can no longer cause a mass loss of Life.
While we do such things for you and we enjoy
immenselydoing such things, you are constantly and continually manifesting the
energiesthat we use to be able to help you as indeed, if the energies being
broughtthrough to you world were too dense and of the lower vibrations, we
would notbe able to assist and as has been said before, this is why we have not
beenable to assist in the cleansing of pollution from certain areas of
Gaia’ssurface where the collective density being manifested is still a bit
You will continue to be reminded in the days and
weeksahead of your importance as a Creator in this whole scenario, and you will
begiven guidance as to what you can do as a collective and as individuals to
seethat the energy manifested in your areas and on your world is pure enough
tocall for all that you have been waiting to see come to fruition, and theenergies
already being manifested and the energies that will continue to bemanifested
and brought through your beautiful spirit complexes and bodies arealready
seeing such events get underway.
Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.
通過Wes Annac傳遞