Greetings dear ones we come to guide andsupport and to help YOU move out of the illusion that dissolves as wecommunicate. Much is breaking down and dissolving across the planet and it isvital that this is detached from. Many are now realising that the images andsounds that their eyes and ears pull in from around them are filtered andcontained and are not the whole TRUTH.
We guide that many more will begin toattune to higher and higher levels of communication with ALL realms as the oldbegins to dissolve and in its place the new heightened energies of TRUTH. Manyare now experiencing various symptoms that herald the increase in frequenciesand the anchoring into the human body of the new energies. Hearing “problems”,throat “problems”, stomach “problems” will all indicate and change in frequencyof the human. Where there have been blocks, whether ancestral or related tothis human life experience the energies will start to move them. Be aware ofloss of voice, of upsets related to diet, of hearing strange noises in theears, all will confirm that YOU go through what is akin to an “upgrade”.
Many who have worked with or been aware ofenergy will be aware of these symptoms and will be able to work through them.For others this may be something new to them and we guide ALL who are aware tohold the space for them. Seeking medical help for these symptoms will prove tobe fruitless as these symptoms are indicative of ENERGY upgrades and althoughfelt through the physical are not physical.
Many humans are more than aware of thehuman energy system and all it is made up of. This is now a time of synchingall the different etheric bodies together and again this may result in varioussymptoms occurring within the body. We guide ALL to detach and to drink plentyof fresh water and relax. Sleep is vital in the processing stage and we guideALL to honour their body, if YOU require more sleep then please have moresleep, nothing is to be gained from “plodding” on.
The foodstuffs being consumed will change rapidly acrossthe planet as those who awaken to deeper levels and those who have begun tosynchronise the different etheric bodies will be more sensitive than ever. Thevibration of what is consumed will be FELT and this may result in a very acutereaction to some foodstuffs. We note the outpouring of concern across theplanet for the way that animals are killed in preparation for food. This willchange dear ones, as many will not able to consume the flesh of an animal thatis killed in fear. The vibration will not sit well within the human body andwill not be tolerated by the body. The way of creating foodstuffs will begin tochange across the planet.
As the vibration of the human BEing increases the need forfoodstuffs can diminish with many humans being perplexed by the amount of timeneeded between consuming one foodstuff and another. This will vary from humanto human and will vary depending on what the human is doing vibrationally.Those who go through a deep cleansing and synching of levels of BEing may onlyneed lots of fresh water with light foods. The vibration if not stable, andthis happens at times of major energy fluxes across the planet, will nottolerate food very well. We guide ALL to become aware of how foodstuffs anddrinks react with the body they have in this human life experience and tohonour that body.
YOU are truly moving into a state of ONENESS and the fullimpact of this will begin to become anchored within YOUr BEing as YOU move throughthe process. No longer is ascension just talked about as to what “may” happen,it is happening around YOU and within YOU at this moment and from each momentto each moment. The time for WALKING TRUTH is NOW dear ones. Those who choosenot to “walk the talk”, those who maintain that the mind knows more than theheart will find the coming weeks difficult and chaotic as the new energies donot support the old. To stubbornly maintain that things “don’t make sense” isto be in denial of TRUTH. For the new is FEELing dear ones and the mind cannotFEEL, only the heart.
Once more we guide an example, if for example YOU feel theneed to rest for 12 in a 24-hour period and follow this up by drinking nothingbut fresh water for the remaining 12 hours then many around YOU that may not beawakened will begin to question. YOU may begin to question but if it FEELSright then it IS right. The heart is the driver in the new dear ones, not themind. For illusion taught many things under the guise of love and many things weretaught in relation to nutrition that are not TRUTH. We look across the planetand are saddened by the pain and emotion invoked in the drive to be thethinnest and the prettiest. ALL are beautiful dear ones for ALL are unique. YOUwere not incarnated in human form to be the same, to look the same and toconform to ONE design, that is not the role nor the function of the humanBEing.
For those who are caught in the illusion of thinnest,prettiest, more fashionable we ask YOU hold the space. For to torture the humanbody so that it may represent what illusion states it must, is not from theheart. In a world where half the population starve then it makes no sense forthose able to eat to not eat. Do you understand our analogy dear ones? We wishto guide on the separation of wealth across the planet and guide ALL to detachfrom what is being show to YOU at this time. It is not possible to change aworld and a society without first realising what is wrong with it. The imagesthat are being placed around the world are there to highlight what is wrongwith society, to show how ALL are not held in equal loving terms. That is allthat is highlighted. It is vital that the pictures are detached from or thehuman BEing interacting with this material will fall back into the illusion ofright and wrong and duality.
Things will begin to even out across the planet and thiswill be done stealthily and continually. We draw YOUr focus once more to thosehumans who are not going to awaken across the planet, the humans who act asmirrors for those who are awakened. It makes no sense to wipe out famine in theblink of an eye or to save all the animals in one swoop for they would not beable to cope with this. This is also again why we guide that we will not revealourselves immediately across planet earth. It is too much for the humans whoare not awake to process. It would serve none to create more chaos in a worldthat seems to have turned upside down for those who are asleep.
We guide ALL to process ALL information through the heartand to see the TRUTH that is below the smoke and mirrors for all is NOT as itseems across the world. The leaders that have left the planet look like theyhave been “taken out” when in TRUTH the vibration they held is not supported bythe new. This will increase and look “normal” dear ones, it can be no otherway. Those who were misled by illusion of the ascension which would seeparadise laid out at YOUr feet in an instant are now beginning to realise howillusion took their power from them. The power that is NOW is the power that isworked with dear ones. The paradise is in full view but those in illusion willnot be able to FEEL it. Everything is in full view; it depends on the level offilter the human applies to the view. Do you understand our analogy dear ones?Do you understand our words?
To fight over wrong and right is to try to live in illusionand that energy is no longer supported by the new. We ask that ALL are aware ofthis and ALL begin to focus on the human life experience that they wish tocreate. Much is lost in the sense of power to be pulled back into the illusionof same, for it does not exist dear ones.
We are the high council of orion and we come to guide andsupport all at this time. Do not rely on the eyes and ears of YOUr human bodyat this time dear ones for the transitionary period is not over. Rely on theheart for it will show YOU TRUTH. Much disinformation continues to be relayedacross the planet and we guide strongly for ALL to be discerning. That alsoapplies to our words, for we would not wish any human to take on board ourwords without processing through the heart. To blindly follow or absorb is theold energies dear ones and the new energies are here for YOU to anchor.
We send out much love and many blessings to the human raceas they go through the transition into the new and we support and guide at alltimes. ALL realms are on hand to support and guide individuals should they sodesire. Simply hold the space and ask for the connection. Many will find thiseasier than ever before. The new energies increase across the planet and thelevel of human consciousness will continue to rise sharply over the comingmonths. This is a momentous time in human history dear ones and we are honouredto BE amongst YOU at this time with more and more connecting to us. We havewaited aeons for this and we are truly blessed. ALL ARE ONE
Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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