【銀河聯邦】【SaLuSa】11月4日 資訊
2011年11月04日 星期五 20:57
You are in a situation that requires you to wait patiently for matters to develop a little further, and then you can expect action. The cleansing of your civilization has been long taking place on different levels by replacing the dark Ones with our representatives of Light, up to the present day when they are being removed and placed where they cannot do any further harm. So you can see that the conditions are becoming such, that we can move into the next phase. With it comes a greater awareness on your part, as more people are opening up to the truth as to what is happening on Earth. Out of the confusion, the Phoenix of the past is rising when you were in an era of Love and Light. That was during one of the more enlightened periods of Atlantis prior to its fall. Virtually all of you have lived lives during that great epoch, and the memories are still held in your sub-consciousness. Those times were when you reached a peak of spiritual growth, that allowed the great Masters to return to Earth. However, over thousands of years the vibrations gradually dropped, until the Light had to compete with the overwhelming darkness that engulfed Atlantis, and led to its demise.
你們所處的情況就是只需要對事情的發展再多一點耐心,隨後會看到你們期待的行動。對於你們文明的清理工作已經持續很長時間了,通過我們光的代表們不斷替換黑暗勢力,直到今天,在他們在被清理的時候是無法製造更多傷害的。因此,你們能夠明白這些呈現出來的條件,我們也因此能夠進入到下個階段。隨著在你們這邊呈現出更多覺醒的意識,越來越多的人對【真理】敞開心扉,知道地球上正在發生著什麼。脫離了混亂,過去的鳳凰將從嶄新的【聖光之愛】的時代裏重生。你們比起亞特蘭蒂斯隕落前體現出更多的啟蒙特點。事實上你們所有人都曾經在那個時代生活過,這份記憶依舊殘留在潛意識中。那個時期,你們抵達了一個靈性成長的頂峰,允許偉大的導師回歸到地球。但是,經歷幾千年歲月的洗刷之後振動逐步的降低,直到光明完全被黑暗籠罩並吞沒亞特蘭蒂斯,最終導致了它的隕落。 Now you are energizing the grids around the Earth, and once again it is ready to reach another pinnacle of spirituality. This time the upliftment is taking place very rapidly, and as fast as you are able to assimilate the higher energies. With the immediate period ahead and even more Light being beamed to you, the changes within self are becoming more noticeable. For some they may be making them feel out of sorts, but they are in no way unpleasant and once they settle down you will feel uplifted. We know that many of you have already developed to a point, where you are able to easily center yourselves regardless of what is going on around you. That is proof of your ongoing ability to draw the higher energies into yourself. Each one of you that has reached this stage is giving a service to those who have not, by creating a calmer and settled atmosphere around them. 現在你們激發了圍繞地球光的頻柵,它已經準備好成為另一個靈性進化的高峰期。這段時期發生的非常快速,你們也越來越快的能夠同化更高的能量。隨著著即將臨近的週期,更多的【聖光】傳播到你們這裏,自身的轉變變得越來越明顯。對一些人來說也許覺得身體不適,但是他們不會落入不愉快的情緒中,一旦他們安下心來就會感到提升的力量。我們知道你們許多人已經準備好發展這個基點,在這裏你們能夠輕易的聚焦在內在中心,而不管周圍發生了什麼事情。這就是你們不斷吸入這更高能量給自己所表現出的證據。每個抵達這種狀態的人正在給予那些還未明晰的人以幫助,通過不斷創造一種更平和,圍繞他們的更舒適的氛圍。 In Europe there is understandably near panic as if Greece still go ahead and hold a referendum about handling their debt, the people are of a mood that they will reject the introduction of more cut backs or penalties to cover it. If that is so it almost spells the end of the Euro, with the consequent collapse of that system as other countries also fail. It means that in a matter of weeks rather than months, the future of Europe will be decided, and that will open the door to a new system of financing that will overcome the resultant problems. We do not wish these collapses upon you, but until they happen the way will not be clear enough to introduce the acceptable alternatives. Be assured everything is ready to go ahead, meaning that the period of disruption and uncertainty will be relatively brief. 在歐洲,近期的恐慌是可以理解的,就好比希臘的問題,對於它們債務問題進行公民投票,人民的情緒表明他們將駁回製造更多財政赤字或者罰金來掩蓋。如果是這樣,差不多就敲響了歐盟解體的鐘聲,隨著系統崩潰,其他的國家也會相繼倒塌。這就意味著幾個星期,而不是幾個月的時間,歐洲的未來將被決定,這將打開進入新金融系統的大門,結束當前的問題。我們當然不希望這些崩潰影響到你們,但是除非它發生,事情都不可能明朗起來,得到足夠的機會介紹這可接受的替代方案。請相信,每件事情都準備好了繼續發展,這表示破壞與不穩定的時期將相對短暫。 The unrest in the world is a sure sign that the awakening is in full progress, and that people are realizing that the ultimate power to decide your future lies with them. As a result they are mobilizing themselves to demonstrate and demand changes to the existing systems. That keeps them in the public eye and the movement grows as more people join them. They are also powered by the positive energies they attract to themselves, and it spreads very quickly. We wish to ask that you keep your actions on a positive path, and do not get drawn into those that will discredit your campaign. Keep them peaceful and clamp down on any efforts to introduce violence, as that plays into the hands of the authorities. 發生在世界中的動盪局面是一個肯定的跡象,覺醒的號角已經全面吹響,人民正在明白決定未來的最終力量就在自己手上。作為一個結果,他們正動員起來,演示並且要求轉變當前的系統。這使得他們保持在公眾的視野中,行動成長的速度導致更多的人加入進來。他們也受到了這正面能量影響,吸引給他們自己,它擴展的非常的快速。我們想要求你們保持自己的行為在【正面的道路】中,千萬不要跌入到使你落入自我懷疑的情況中。保持它們的平和,並且對任何可能導致暴力的行為施以控制,因為這會導致你們落入當權者們的圈套中。 Dear Ones, the pendulum is moving in your direction, and it means that the control of your world is beginning to change hands. At last those souls of Light who came for this very occasion, are moving into positions ready to replace those who will be removed. Our plans anticipated this very time and once we see the opportunity to put them into place, matters will speed ahead. So it is first the organization, and then the framework for implementing the changes. That will lead to what you may call the "nuts and bolts" period to enable the physical changes to commence. By then we shall be in 2012 that is clearly going to be one of great activity, which you shall play a major part in as it was never visualized that it would be other than a joint venture, or should we say adventure. We are naturally eager to commence the last stages leading to Ascension, as now the path is almost clear of the past obstructions. 親愛的,鐘擺正倒向你們這邊,這意味著對於你們世界的控制開始轉手了。最終,那些為此而來的【光之靈魂們】,正進入就位,準備逐步取代那些將被清理的人。我們的計畫估計到了這個非常時期,一旦我們得到了機會把它們落實,事情將飛速發展。因此,首先是機構,然後是貫徹轉變的框架。這將引領至你們稱為的“具體細節”時期,允許實在的轉變發生。隨後,我們將在2012年中清晰的帶入巨大的行動,在其中你們將扮演重要的角色,這之前從未想像過,除了全然合作或者我們說的大膽冒險無法以其他方式來表述。我們自然也急於開始引領至揚升的最後階段,因為現在的道路已基本上清理了過去的障礙。 Like you we feel elated that there are sufficient signs to lift you up, so that you know with for certainty that the end-times have now begun. What may have seemed unlikely some years back, and was difficult for many to comprehend, is now staring you in the face. The proof of what is happening is there for all to see, although we do accept that there are some souls that are not ready to step over to the other side. They will still be given help and like any other soul, find that ultimately they have set up there own reality that awaits them. It is absolutely fair and appropriate that a soul should advance according to their level of vibration, and cannot enter a higher vibration until they are ready. 和你們一樣,我們也感受到了興奮的情緒,因為這裏有足夠的跡象將提升你們,好讓你們非常肯定的明白,最終的時刻已然開始。回想幾年以前是不太可能的,對於許多人來說都曾經很難領會,現在已開始表現在你們的臉上了。正在發生著什麼的證據就在這裏,任何人都可以看到,雖然我們必須承認,依舊有一些靈魂沒有準備好從黑暗走入光明。他們將繼續得到幫助,和其他任何靈魂一樣,找到他們最終為自己設定的真相之路。這一直都非常公平與適當的,一個靈魂將根據自己的振動水準得到提高,並且在他們準備好之前是無法進入更高振動的。 Each day now carries the possibility that our allies will have made the progress we seek, so that major advances can be made. In any event your wait for something definite will not take much more time, as we are so close to success. As you might imagine, there is much waiting for the signal to go ahead and matters will really take off once we commence. Disclosure remains one of the more important issues that we would like to see come out, and that will release a lot more information that will make our activities easier. There is no point in us going ahead without your knowledge and involvement, as we have never purported to handle your needs by ourselves, although we are quite capable of doing so. It is time for you to step up play your part along with us, which we look forward to as an exciting prospect. 現在,對於我們的盟友來說每天都是機會,將得到我們尋求的進步,因此主要的進展將被制定。你們所期待的任何事情都不需要花更多時間,因為我們如此的接近成功。可以想像,這裏有著許多的跡象,一旦我們開始,事情的發展就會如飛一般快速。【大揭露】依舊是更重要的事情之一,它將釋放出大量的資訊,使得我們的行動更簡便。對於你們來說,我們的行動不會導致你們不知情與非參與的情況,因為我們從未想以謠傳來掌控你們的需求,雖然我們確實有著太多的能力可以這麼做。現在的時刻就是讓你們自己站出來與我們合作,對於這個我們很期待,當成一個激動人心的前景展望著。 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and heartened by the turn of events upon Earth as it seems so many people have suddenly become "alive" to the real purpose of their lives. Instead of blindly stumbling around in the dark, they have grasped the truth and desire to play their part in bringing Ascension into being. Everyone has something to offer, even if it is small by comparison to others. It is a joint effort and each part is as important as any other. That is why we welcome you to join us in the Love and Light that we represent. 我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,並且被發生在地球上事情的轉變激勵著,因為看到許多的人已經迅速的“活”了過來,明白生活的真實意義。而不是盲目的在黑暗中徘徊,他們已經專注於真相,希望做出自己的努力把【揚升】導入其中。每個人都可以貢獻自己的力量,甚至是對其他人的一個小小的善意行為。這是一種聯合性的努力,作為任何一個人來說都是重要的。這也是為何我們將在我們代表的【愛與光】中迎接你們的加入。
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey. Website:Tree of the Golden Light |