
【 重要訊息 】來自 " 基督邁克艾頓 " 的指導

04-30-2011 來自基督邁克艾頓的指導 " The guidelines " from ATON (CM)
By Aton Christ Michael through Leonette  基督邁克艾頓通過里奧奈特傳遞
Apr 30, 2011 - 9:40:02 PM  0705/28/04/2011  2011428

From Aton (Christ Michael):

Beloved Ones of the Eternal Flame which glows inside each of you who hearkens to these words of advice.

You are needed to 'feel' what is going on within the energy world of which your physical and emotional selves are significantly attached.

You are asked to allow the following guidelines for short periods preferably in what you call your times of early morning, midday and late evening.

It is suggested that you NOT entertain these guidelines before your most profound sleep period which may be at night for most of you. Reflections emanating from such guidelines may prove difficult for some of you to have deep and restful sleep, when you need it most.
建議你們不要在最深度睡眠前考慮這些指導,那個時期可能對大多數的你們來講是夜間。 這些指導所產生的深思可能對你們當中的一些人的深度及舒適的睡眠會有影響,當你們最需要睡眠的時候。

However these guidelines can be entertained around short naps as you see fit.

You will have better results if you are in a setting that allows for contemplation.

Contemplative settings could be a Zen garden or a bed or an easy chair or a shower or sitting on a commode or as some would call it. ..a toilet... (smiles), anywhere that allows the mind to 'quiet the chatter ' a bit.

Your physical body should be 'at ease' as best you can! If some contemplative settings are not conducive to one's body being at ease, then other settings can be chosen. Some of you may have 'difficulty' in achieving contemplation while doing 'toilet duties'. (Smiles)
你的身體應該是盡可能的'放鬆' 如果一些冥想場所不利於一個人身體的放鬆,那麼可以選擇另一處場所。 你們有些人會感到在廁所中實現冥想很困難(微笑)。

Humour is employed here although there is much seriousness in what is being asked in spite of the very imagery that accompanies the said humour.

Remember you are being asked to do this occasionally. You are not being asked to give up your 'daily fix'. However you are being guided to utilize your physical and emotional bodies in a way that will help you to MONITOR what is happening around you. This you will do by 'picking up the signals' that 'ping' off your physical and emotional bodies. The more diligent you are in these efforts the greater your understanding will be in how energy works.
記住你們被要求間或去做(冥想)。 你們沒有被要求放棄你們的'日常修復/調整' 無論如何,你們正在被指導來以一種方式利用你們的物質體及情緒體,它將會幫助你們監控周邊所發生事情。 用這種方式,你們將會'收到從你們的物質體及情緒體裡迸發出的那些信號' 在這些努力上你越勤奮,你越能更好地理解能量是如何運作的。

You will be able to 'know' when the energy 'builds-up'  and respond accordingly.

Remember your physical and emotional bodies are a part of the material existence that also informs the make-up of the planet and her surroundings.

Once you understand how energy works then you will realise that 'time' as you know it is of little consequence in the momentum of 'cosmic movement'.

Great and momentous times are upon you and it will auger well for you to be 'in tune' with what is happening. To do so will put you in service, not only to yourself but to those around you.
偉大而重要的時刻正降臨於你們身上,你們會極好的適應以與正在發生的事協調一致。 這樣做將會使你們投入到服務中,不只服務於你們自己,也服務於你們身邊的人們。

The Guidelines.

Best done early morning, midday, late evening. Avoid at times when you want a sound and restful sleep.最好是在清晨、中午、傍晚。 避免在你需要深度、舒適睡眠的時刻。
Remove thyself from thy stop watches, time clocks, calendars and other 'time measuring' paraphernalia.使你自己擺脫你的手錶、時鐘、日曆和其他'時間測量'的個人用品。
Detach thyself from thy sources of news information which includes thy internet and social networking media.脫離新聞信息,包括網絡,社交網絡媒體。

Relax and 'listen' to the 'feelings' within and on your body.

Initially you may feel 'nothing'. Give it some time.
起初你可能毫無感覺。 給它一點時間。

You may feel 'tinges' , tweaks, swirls or twirls, (light-headedness), flutters, buzzing and the like within the body especially in the hands, the feet and the crown of the head.你可能在身體內部感覺'各種色調'、扭擰、渦流或螺旋(輕度頭暈),心跳加速,嗡嗡響聲,以及類似的感受,特別是在手、腳、以及頭頂上。

You may feel wafts of air gently around your body, on your skin or you may feel heat for no apparent reason.

Initially you may feel nothing. Give it time.
起初你可能毫無感覺。 花一點時間。

Do you see or sense the changes in the atmosphere and environment around you?你看到或感覺到在你周圍的氣氛與環境的變化嗎?

Does your body respond to the atmospheric pressure changes around you?

That headache, sinus pressure, neck and upper shoulder pain, aching joints especially ankles and knees (grounding energy) seemed to have increased... yes!
那頭痛、鼻竇壓力、頸部及上肩的疼痛,特別是腳踝和膝蓋的關節疼痛(接地能量),似乎有所增強。   是的!

You experience them now and then they subside and you experience relief only to return again, perhaps in a different way or intensity?

Are you experiencing bouts of nausea and/or constipation and/or bouts of eating binges.

Are you experiencing 'heat' and/or perspiring profusely at times...

Are you experiencing difficulty in being around people and places that never bothered you before?

Are you developing a preference for your own space and at most times, solitude?

Close your eyes if you can or de-focus your eyes if you are in a position so to do.

What are your emotions, turmoil and frustration or are they mood swings that make you feel that you are suffering from some sort of bi-polar disorder? Peace, bliss, combinations of happiness and joy with anger and hatred being experienced almost at the skip of a heart beat?你的情緒是什麼樣的? 混亂和沮喪,或者它們是情緒上的波動,讓你覺得你正在遭受某種'雙重極端性格障礙症' 還是幾乎在每一次心跳時正在體驗到平和、狂喜、快樂和喜悅,與憤怒和仇恨的組合?

Extreme weariness of going through the everyday motions, pet subjects losing their appeal, now and then, sometimes or most of the time?

A sudden burst of creative energy followed by a precipitous drop of enthusiasm.

A wanting to start something new followed by... 'Why bother,' 'don't care', 'does not make sense', 'don't give a damn,' feelings.
一種想要開始(嘗試)一些新的事情之後是。   “何苦呢不在乎沒有意義無所謂之類的感覺。

Or similarly, feelings like ' nothing makes sense anymore' and/or 'I give up' and/or 'I don't want to be a part of this or that anymore!... and/or 'Father, why hast thou forsaken me' or better yet...'Father why hast thou forsaken me and this world' and/or 'Help, I just want to get out of here'.
或者類似的感覺如沒有事情有任何意義,以及/或者我放棄了,以及/或者我不再想成為這個或那個的一部分,以及/或者天父,你為什麼離棄我? ”或者更好一點的,天父,你為什麼離棄我和這個世界?以及/或者幫助我,我只想離開這裡。

And depressing as that may sound, it is all followed by healthy doses of daydreams where one enjoys the beauty of creative ideas and living in harmony with that which resonates with one's being..

Well the WORD has gone out and as such the WORD was made flesh.
那麼【話語】已經發出,同樣的道成肉身。  譯者註:暗指來自源頭的巨浪已經到來,並正在顯現,最近增多的自然界變化是其顯現的證明)

Translated, that means that the Sound Wave which was issued is now reverberating throughout the material worlds which include manifestations of flesh, bark, flora, mineral, rock, gas, liquid, air, etc.

Technically, this reverberation seeks to align such manifestations which can be aligned, to the essence of the Word!

As such everything of such material manifestation experiences the peaks and troughs at varying levels..

If you note in the above design...there are no 'timed' intervals or no absolute measurements in the spacing of the peaks and troughs. There is not one (1) level experience of the wave nor is there a start time or an end time.
如果你注意到上圖,這裡沒有'定時'的間隔,或者在波峰和波谷間沒有絕對的量度。 聲波不只有一層體驗,也沒有開始或結束時間。

Your state of Being is following the same design of this Wave. The Ups and Downs and varying levels and differing intervals are manifesting in the experiences of your physical and emotional bodies.
你的存在狀態是和這聲波相同的設計。 這跌宕起伏、不同層次、及不同的間隔體現了你的物質體和情緒體的體驗。

The energetic manifestations of your physical and emotional bodies 'weave and flow' just as energy wills itself into a state of being to achieve its purpose.

Frequent attention to the guidelines above will help you to get an appreciation of this energetic wave. You will be able to synchronize with its essence. You will be able to sense it and feel it. Such knowledge will help you to 'ride' the wave instead of being a 'victim' to it.
經常關注上述的指導將會幫助你獲得這個能量波的理解。 你將能夠與其本質同步。 你將能夠感知它、感覺它。 這些理解能幫助你''在巨浪上,而不是成為'受害者'

When you become astute at feeling the energetic bumps and plunges, only then can you gauge the increase and/or decrease of the momentum.

So, unplug from the 'artificial' means by which you measure what is happening in your world. Once you practice at following these guidelines, you will KNOW when energetic pressures have 'upped' the momentum for 'situations' to happen. You can then use your 'artificial' means such as news media, internet, time pieces etc. to determine the what, the time and the place of any such occurrences.
因此,從那些你們衡量什麼發生在你們的世界中的'人工'方法中擺脫出來。 一旦你跟隨這些指導來練習,你將會【知曉】何時能量的壓力已經上升而引發形式發生變化(大轉變)的勢頭。 然後你可以利用你們'人為'的方式,如新聞媒體、網絡、手錶等,來確定讓任何此類事件的內容、時間和地點。

Remember your heightened awareness will serve you, your dependants and your communities as these momentous times progress. Use this opportunity wisely.
記住,當這些重大的時刻取得進展時,你增強的覺醒將會為你、你的家屬以及你的社區服務。 請明智地使用這次機會。


Me: Thank You Aton for your help and guidance in taking this message...

There was some more discussion but the message basically ended here.

Endit 11:13 am.

